10 Incredible Hikes in Haida Gwaii
With mossy, emerald forests, sapphire ocean waves and hilly, untouched islands, Haida Gwaii is easily one of the most incredible places to hike in Canada. Here are ten trails to trek on your next visit.
1. Cape Fife Trail
Naikoon Provincial Park
Length: 10 km
Time: 5 – 8 hours
Elevation Gain: Minimal
Just because it’s flat doesn’t mean this trail is boring. The Cape Fife Trail is known to be muddy in sections, so lace up your hiking boots and be ready to get dirty!
Read more: gohaidagwaii.ca
2. Pesuta Shipwreck Trail
Naikoon Provincial Park
Length: 10 km (return)
Time: 3 – 4 hours
Elevation Gain: Minimal
Trek alongside the Tlell River until you find a lonely shipwreck. The Pesuta was a log ship that crashed here in 1928. It’s an eerie, beautiful sight. Don’t forget to check the tidal charts before setting off, as the Tlell River rises and falls with the ocean.
Read more: gohaidagwaii.ca
3. Tow Hill Hike
Naikoon Provincial Park
Length: approx. 10 km
Follow boardwalks to two lookouts offering gorgeous ocean views of North Beach. Don’t miss the “Blowhole,” a natural spout where water surges and sprays upwards.
Read more: gohaidagwaii.ca
4. Sleeping Beauty Trail
Time: 3 – 5 hours
Elevation Gain: approx. 700 m
Climb up the side of Sleeping Beauty’s nose for panoramic views of Yakoun Lake, Rennell Sound, Tow Hill and Masset. This trail is also known as the Tarundl Trail.
Read more: ehcanadatravel.com
5. Secret Cove Trail
Moresby Island
Length: 1 km
Time: 30 minutes roundtrip
This trail leads through old-growth forest to (you guessed it) a secret cove. Although the hike itself is short, you’ll want to allocate extra time to stay and enjoy the beach for awhile.
Read more: britishcolumbia.com
6. Golden Spruce Trail
Time: 20 minutes roundtrip
Elevation Gain: Minimal
This wheelchair-accessible gravel path uses interpretative signage to teach visitors about the significance of the Kiidk’yaas (Golden Spruce) to Haida culture.
Read more: gohaidagwaii.ca
7. Spirit Lake Trail
Time: 1 – 2 hours
Elevation Gain: Moderate
One of the most popular hiking trails near Skidegate, the Spirit Lake Trail is hard-packed, moss-covered and quiet. The Forest Walk and the Lake Connector Loop are found in the same trail system.
Read more: gohaidagwaii.ca
8. Onward Point Trail
Length: 0.4 km
Time: 30 minutes
Wind through the forest along this loop trail to a whale-watching platform. Bring binoculars and relax in the gazebo, watching for fins and splashes.
Read more: gohaidagwaii.ca
9. Mount Moresby
Time: 8 – 10 hours
Elevation Gain: Strenuous
This is the highest summit on Haida Gwaii. The trail does not follow a formal route, so ensure you are well-prepared before attempting this hike. Look for cairns that mark the way and be wary of steep cliffs and drop-offs.
Read more: gohaidagwaii.ca
10. East Beach Trail
Naikoon Provincial Park
Length: 90 km
Time: Multi-day
Three major river crossings, dangerous tides and swamps make this epic trek a difficult but rewarding adventure. Shelters and campgrounds provide relief along the way, but only expert hikers with a good understanding of tidal times should attempt this trail.
Read more: env.gov.bc.ca
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