10 Multi-Purpose Outdoor Gear Items for Every Type of Adventurer
Looking for a gift this holiday season? Consider these 10 handy-dandy multi-purpose gear items that any type of adventurer will love.
Versatile and designed to be adaptable in various settings and conditions, multi-purpose outdoor gear items reduce the need for—and costs associated with—specialized equipment. If you’re shopping for all-around adventurers this holiday season, these multi-tools not only simplify the packing process but also allow adventurers to carry fewer items—which means less weight and bulk to lug around. Plus, whether they hike, camp, rock climb or paddle, having the right tool for the job can improve their outdoor safety and experience.
18-in-1 Survival Essential Multi-Tool
Made from high-quality corrosion and rust-resistant stainless steel to withstand rugged outdoor use, this 18-in-1 Survival Essential Multi-Tool features an impressive range of tools seamlessly integrated into a single compact unit. Featuring a safety hammer, saw, bottle opener, can opener and wrench (just to name a few), this multi-tool comes in handy for a variety of situations—like adjusting equipment, cutting materials for shelters or tools and opening food containers. Its locking mechanism prevents accidental closures during use and the protective sheath ensures the tool is easily accessible.Explore Magazine
Avventura Emergency Hand-Crank Backup Charger with a Radio
Designed to keep you informed and your devices powered while venturing off-grid, this compact device allows you to tune into weather alerts and emergency broadcasts, even in remote locations. Ideal for camping, backpacking, road trips and more, this handheld device can easily be stashed in your glove compartment or backpack without claiming precious space. Aside from its compact flashlight, this hand-crank backup charger also serves as a power hub with three charging options—a micro-USB charger, solar charging or by winding its internal battery with the hand crank—to keep small electronic essentials like smartphones and headlamps powered.Sukh Jhangri
Avventura Best Backcountry Insulated Bottle
Made with high-quality stainless steel to withstand the demands of outdoor use and accidental drops, this leak-proof 950-millilitre water bottle helps adventurers stay hydrated. Its double wall provides excellent insulation, keeping drinks cold for over 12 hours and hot for over six hours. Plus, the exterior of the bottle remains condensation-free, so you won’t have to worry about moisture in your bag or on your hands. The flip-out spout makes it easy to drink from and the wide mouth and screw-tight lid make it easy to add ice cubes to, whether you’re sipping water, coffee or sports drinks.Explore Magazine
Patagonia Torrentshell 3L Rain Jacket
One of this brand’s long-time bestsellers, the Patagonia Torrentshell 3L Rain Jacket is constructed from its proprietary 100 per cent recycled and PFC-free H2No® waterproof membrane to offer superb weather protection. Suitable for a combination of casual and outdoor use, this lightweight jacket easily stuffs into its own left pocket and can be tossed into your backpack for your daily commute or a week-long hiking trip. Its robust hood and elastic cords allow for precise adjustments to seal out the elements, while the two pit zips help prevent feeling clammy because of moisture buildup. Find options for women or men.
ORTOVOX 185 Rock’N’Wool Long Sleeve Base Layer
A household name in mountain sports, this ORTOVOX base layer is a critical component of any layering system and will keep you warm whether you’re snowshoeing, tubing, skiing or snowboarding this winter. Made with 100 per cent sustainably and ethically sourced fine merino wool, this next-to-skin layer is super soft and is designed to help regulate your body temperature by moving sweat and moisture away while trapping heat close to your body. Find options for women or men.
Solo Stove Campfire: Camp Stove
For a quick and hassle-free way to whip up hot meals and drinks outdoors without the fuss of building a campfire, consider this campfire camp stove by Solo Stove. Ideal for groups of four or more, this stove relies on leaves, pinecones and twigs from hardwood trees such as birch, maple and oak to create a campfire in a flash. Aside from making convenient meals like chilli, pasta and oatmeal at campsites, this lightweight and compact stove can also be used for picnics at the park, at rest stops on long road trips, at boating trips or even for tailgating before sporting events or concerts.
Mountain Hardwear Camp Tough™ Tote Bag
Durable and abrasion resistant thanks to its 1200 denier recycled polyester fabric construction, this Mountain Hardwear Camp Tough™ Tote Bag provides a handy solution for those who struggle to keep gear organized. Its six external pockets keep smaller essentials like utensils, flashlights and multi-tools handy while the roomy interior easily fits larger pieces of gear. With a generous 30-litre capacity, this versatile tote can store your camp kitchen essentials or ski boots and layers for a day outside. It can also effortlessly adapt to keep your daily life organized by carrying your groceries or gym essentials.
BUFF® Original EcoStretch Neckwear
As a long-time go-to accessory for outdoor adventurers, this BUFF® Original EcoStretch Neckwear is the ultimate multi-use head, face and neck protection. With the ability to be worn in a dozen different ways, including as a balaclava, hair tie, headband and face covering, this neckwear protects you from the sun and wind and provides added warmth in the cold. Made with a blend of elastane and polyester microfiber from recycled plastic bottles, its four-way stretch provides incredible comfort while remaining breathable and quick-drying.
On-the-Go Snowflake Multi-Tool
With a hex key and an assortment of screwdrivers affixed to each point of an eight-pointed snowflake, this convenient multi-tool allows you to make crucial on-the-spot gear and equipment repairs. Make minor adjustments on the handlebars, stem and brakes of your bike, or fine-tune the bolts on your snowboard. Crafted from sturdy stainless steel, this palm-sized snowflake can easily be attached to your keychain or backpack so it’s always within reach on your adventures.Sukh Jhangri
Multi-Use Paracord Survival Bracelet
Combining function and style, this genuine 550 Paracord Survival Bracelet is more than just an accessory—it’s a versatile tool that can be unravelled in emergency situations. With the ability to serve as a tourniquet to stem bleeding and a makeshift sling to address injuries or make improvised rafts, a paracord bracelet can help outdoor adventurers feel more prepared for unexpected situations. Explore Magazine
This 84-gram bracelet also features a ferro rod, fire starter, flint and an emergency whistle, which provides you with an even more comprehensive toolset at hand.
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