5 DIY At-Home Adventure Projects to pass the time indoors

Staying indoors is rarely fun for explorers... but sometimes, it's necessary. Here are some fun ways to pass the time and fight the boredom.

Explorers who find themselves at home alone, sharing space with a roommate or taking care of children and family members may be looking for something beyond puzzles and Netflix to pass the time.

So, why not use the hours indoors to create something that will get you outside?

Here are five ideas that vary from fixing your outdoors gear to crafting new items:


1. Make your own paracord survival bracelets and keychains

Paracord bracelets don’t just look cool—they’re also extremely useful on outdoor adventures. Why not make your own? Our YouTube channel has DIY adventure gear videos, including how to make paracord keychains and bracelets. Grab some rope and braid it by following our easy tutorials.


2. Read a book about exploring to escape on a vicarious adventure

I’m nearing the end of American Dirt by Jeanine Cummins after finishing It’s Only the Himalayas by S. Bedford. Both are fabulous reads. Next up, I’ll likely dive into Adventures in Solitude by Canadian music journalist Grant Lawrence—judging by the title, it seems eerily appropriate. For more inspiring adventure books, click here.


3. Fix broken outdoor adventure gear

Take this time to clean, organize and repair your adventure gear stash. Wash your sleeping bags, count your inventory and try to fix older items that might be collecting dust. Here’s how to easily repair zippers with an item that was included in a past “Live the Adventure” Club Gear Box:


4. Get to know your friends & family with card games

Camping games don’t have to be played at the campsite—no matter where you are, here are five no-materials-needed games and eight card games to keep you entertained. If you’re surrounded by roommates or family members, Basecamp Cards include unique questions to get to know each other better. This fun deck, created by British Columbian high school students, was also featured in a past “Live the Adventure” Club Gear Box. If you’re alone, considering playing via FaceTime!


5. Plan for future adventures

Have you always wanted to hike the West Coast Trail, but don’t know what it really takes? Interested in backcountry skiing on glaciers, but have no idea where to start? Now is your chance to plan for future adventures. This could include online research, implementing a home workout exercise routine (Daily Burn has a 30-day free trial) or simply writing a list of all the things you’re thankful for related to the Great Outdoors. If you need some extra motivation, consider joining the Adventure Challenge Club or subscribing to Explore’s print magazine.


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