74 DIY Paracord Bracelet Tutorials

A piece of survival gear might not be part of your everyday wardrobe—but maybe it should be. And it doesn’t have to look like gear either.
Paracord bracelets are a tidy way of carrying 3.5-plus metres of cordage on your person. Plus, near-limitless design and colour combinations mean you can personalize it to your taste. This isn’t a friendship bracelet, Mad Max wore one and he survives in an apocalyptic dystopia.
Jokes aside, why is paracord good to have on hand? Using military spec #550 cord offers cordage that is flexible and interior braided nylon strands make it very strong. Uses for a paracord bracelet are varied; unravel a bracelet and use cordage to fasten a shelter, build primitive traps, make general repairs, tie yourself to another person, hang a line and so much more. If you need more length (without the strength) stripping the paracord to reveal the interior strands can provide six to eight times more string. Moreover, you can turn a paracord bracelet into a multi-tool by using fasteners that have a whistle and/or ferro rod (a flint spark lighter).
74 Easy to Make Paracord Bracelets
1. Cobra
Cobra Knot Bracelet
This tutorial teaches the most basic design of paracord bracelet-making. By combining the most popular and easy to create design, the Cobra, with a lanyard knot, you can create a bracelet with a little hidden colour, but it also does not require you to attach a buckle.
View the entire tutorial here.
2. Simple Laced
Paracord Guild
This design takes that standard Cobra design and makes it look infinitely more intricate by weaving in a thinner type one paracord to not only add in a extra metres of cord, but to add extra eye-catching detail to your design.
View the entire tutorial here.
3. Easy Slip On
Paracord Guild
By adding a piece of bendable wire, you can create a paracord bracelet in any design in such a way that you do not need to add a buckle or even a lanyard knot to keep it on your wrist. The wire makes the bracelet stiff and bendable to that it is easy to slip on and off the wrist.
View the entire tutorial here.
4. Ladder
Paracord GuildLike the Simple Laced bracelet, the Ladder stitch once again adds a dash of colour and intrigue to a design using the thinner type one paracord to create a unique ladder design to the standard Cobra weave.
View the entire tutorial here.
5. Easy Adjustable
Although not so much of a design, this tutorial discusses the many different ways to create an adjustable paracord bracelet for aspiring weavers. It discusses different clasp options, but also shows basic adjustable paracord knotting options.
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6. Fishtail
Paracord GuildThe Fishtail bracelet is one of the most popular designs in bracelet-making not only because of its unique design that can utilize one or two colours, but also because it is so easy to make. Alongside the Cobra, the Fishtail is among one of the key designs used in many other bracelet designs.
View the entire tutorial here.
7. Twisted
Paracord Guild
As one of the thinner designs, the Twisted design uses a simple twist in one or two colours that is knotted at the end using a simple Matthew Walker knot and a rope thimble as a clasp. As paracord bracelet designs go, this is as simple as it gets.
View the entire tutorial here.
8. Katana Wrap
The Weavers of Eternity Paracord Tutorials
Inspired by Michonne’s trademark katana on The Walking Dead and katana swords in general, the Katana Wrap design uses a basic Fishtail design then wraps it in a modified traditional tsuka-maki katana handle wrap. Not only does it look amazing, but it actually adds an additional two and a half metres of cord to your bracelet.
View the entire tutorial here.
9. Quick-Deploy Fishtail
Paracord GuildWhen diving into the craft of creating paracord bracelets, it is easy to forget that they are there to hold your emergency cord. This bracelet design takes the classic Fishtail design and makes it so that you can unravel the bracelet in a matter of seconds when needed. However, it is crafted in such a way that it is unlikely to be unravelled by accident.
View the entire tutorial here.
10. Prayer Beads
This bracelet design uses knots of alternate coloured paracord melted together to create an effect similar to prayer beads. Although this design uses standard type three cordage, it ends up being thinner on the wrist than many other designs.
11. Herringbone
Paracord Guild
Stepping up the difficult just a bit, if only because of the addition of a dowel rod, the Herringbone is one design that looks more complex than it actually is. Using two colours of type one cordage, you can create a stunning yet compact pattern that looks like it uses more cord than it actually does.
View the entire tutorial here.
12. Easy Braided
Paracord GuildLike the Twisted bracelet, the Braided bracelet design creates an extremely basic way to store your paracord on your wrist. Using two colours adds a bit more excitement to the bracelet, but it can look just as good using one solid colour.
View the entire tutorial here.
13. Cylcone Wrap
The Weavers of Eternity Paracord Tutorials
The Cyclone Wrap presents an awesome two-toned original design that features an eye-catching division of colour right down the middle and looks as though it is wrapped around another design. However, it is one complete weave that, while easy to do, looks infinitely more complex.
View the entire tutorial here.
14. Cat’s Claw
Get Knotted ParacordUsing two colours fused together, the Cat’s Claw is woven together to create an effect that looks like claws in your paracord design. Because of the more complex weaving patterns, this bracelet ends up holding a decent bit of cordage when compared to other beginner level designs.
View the entire tutorial here.
15. TARDIS Bar
This Dr. Who-themed bracelet uses blue and white to create a unique interlocking design that manages to cram the usual amount of cordage into a compact design.
16. Interlocked
Paracord 101
Like the TARDIS Bar above, the Interlocked design creates a more complex looking bracelet, but oddly enough, actually uses less cord. With a wider wrist feel and a unique two-toned woven design, this is one bracelet that you can be proud of as a beginning weaver.
View the entire tutorial here.
17. Cross Knot
Paracord Guild
Similar to the Braided design, the Cross Knot provides another simple paracord bracelet design made up of a simple weaving pattern. Using one solid colour, this design provides a cleaner look than the braided bracelet, but still remains one of the thinner options out there.
View the entire tutorial here.
18. One Strand Weave
One Strand WeaveAs a modification to the Woven Plait design, this bracelet looks similar to the aforementioned Simple Laced design, but it actually created using one long piece of paracord. The snaking design found within is actually a quick-release mechanism to give the wearer fast access to their length of paracord.
View the entire tutorial here.
19. 2-Colour Hansen
Paracord GuiltThis is another bracelet the uses a dowel rod to create a unique design. By using two different colours of type one paracord, the 2-Colour Hansen bracelet creates a complex looking design similar to the much more difficult Gaucho style of bracelet.
View the entire tutorial here.
20. Stitched
The Stitched style of bracelet essentially uses a Fishtail design with a center stitch that uses a slightly thinner type of paracord. As the center stitch hides the tell tale center design of a Fishtail, the Stitched bracelet is often confused for a design that it of a much higher calibre.
21. Corkscrew
Bored ParacordThe Corkscrew design uses two different colours of paracord fused with each other that are then woven together to create a design that actually looks similar to the Katana Wrap. Although round rather than flat like many paracord designs, the corkscrew creates a particularly alluring look.
View the entire tutorial here
22. Shark Jaw
Paracord GuildThe Shark Jaw is a popular design among braiders because of how two contrasting colours create a bracelet design that looks like a series of jagged shark teeth. However, despite its popularity, this design remains an easy staple much like the Cobra or Fishtail.
View the entire tutorial here.
23. 2-Colour Slash Dash Bar
2-Colour Slash Dash BarThe 2-Colour Slash Dash Bar is one of those paracord designs that you are likely to find in pre-made paracord bracelets in stores. However, it is one of the more fun paracord bracelets to weave because of how rewarding the end result is. Using your two favourite colours, this bracelet comes out looking favourable with that coveted slanted look.
View this entire tutorial here.
24. Stairstep Stich
Paracord Guild
This design takes a page out of the leatherworker’s book and adds in a Stairstep Stitch to the usual Cobra style bracelet. Like the previous Stitched design, this uses a smaller calibre of paracord in a different colour to create a unique, complex look that really isn’t that complex.
View the entire tutorial here.
25. West Country Whipping
Although based on the Cobra weave, the West Country Whipping bracelet looks vastly different. Using two colours, weavers get a bracelet that is compact and has a pattern that is beautifully framed by its paired colour.
26. Rainbow
Paracord Guild
This is one bracelet that is more for decoration rather than practical use. Using a simple Cobra design, you are able to get those bright splashes of rainbow colour using small scraps of coloured paracord that, aside from looking nice, are otherwise useless.
View the entire tutorial here.
27. Round Crown
Paracord 101
Unlike other round bracelet designs that use a dowel rod, the Round Crown achieves its round design through weaving alone with an interlocking appearance this is so popular and often achieved with a dowel rod.
View the enire tutorial here.
28. Football
Bored PandaThe Football design takes a standard Cobra weave using brown paracord and simply stitches in a short length of white paracord in order to give it football stitching. This simple method can help set your normal beginner bracelet apart from the pack.
View the entire tutorial here.
29. Zipper Sinnet
29. Zipper Sinnet
Paracord Guild
Although not as intricate as other two toned designs, if you are looking for a bracelet that is easy to use and re-weave, there is no finer design. The major advantage of the Zipper Sinnet is that it is not only easy to do, but can be unravelled in a flash.
View the entire tutorial here.
Medium Difficulty Level Paracord Bracelets
30. Sonic Boom
Weaving two different colours together, the weaver of the Sonic Boom creates a design that features a series of extraneous little loops on each side of the bracelet. By using a pen or other small tube during the weaving, it keeps the loops small and uniform. The loops also provide an excellent spot to clip on decorative charms.
31. Complex Braided
Paracord GuildA step up from the typical Braided design, the Complex Braided design uses four different colours of paracorld melted together and then woven around another neutral colour of cord.
View the entire tutorial here.
32. King Cobra
Paracord GuildThe King Cobra is essentially making a Cobra bracelet over another Cobra bracelet. While this makes for a thicker and bulkier bracelet, it does give those who frequently use their paracord access to a decent length of cord without completely unravelling their bracelet.
View the entire tutorial here.
33. Backbone Bar
Paracord Guild
This bracelet uses a single colour of cord that creates a backbone-like design that is surrounded by a series of framing spit knots. As it is wider and contains a series of complex knots, this is one design that can pack a decent amount of cordage around your wrist.
View the entire tutorial here.
34. Wide Side Step
Paracord 101The Wide Side Step bracelet looks very much like two bracelets woven together, but in actuality, it is two coloured strands woven together in one process to create one of the wider designs out there. Because of its girth, wearers will have two three and a half metre strands of paracord available to them if needed.
View the entire tutorial here.
35. 2-Colour Lobster Tail
Although it looks extremely complex, the 2-Colour Lobster Tail is still relatively accessible to those with some weaving skill. By weaving the red coloured strand within the blue, this bracelet looks strikingly like the unique striations found on a lobster tail.
36. Serpent River Bar
Paracord Guild
Unlike most bracelets, the Serpent River Bar does not have a solid edge, but features a wavy, fluid pattern that gives it a unique look. However, one of the best features is that it is reversible. The main side features waves, but the reverse side looks similar to a heart pattern.
View the entire tutorial here.
37. Rasta
Paracord GuildRasta, mon! While this design showcases your Rastafarian pride, in essence, it is a four-colour Fishtail design that can be modified to use whatever four colours that you desire.
View the entire tutorial here.
38. Caged Solomon
Get Knotted Paracord
The Caged Solomon takes a simple Cobra weave and ends up weaving in a different colour to give it a pleasant talon-like striation, but the increased difficulty in this weave comes at its tricky finishing point.
View the entire tutorial here.
39. 3-Colour Hansen

This design takes the previous 2-Colour Hansen Knot weave and kicks it up a notch by adding another colour. This is another design that uses type one paracord and a dowel rod to create a round design. Not only does this interweave look good, but you will also have three different strands of about two metre paracord at your disposal in the wild.
View the entire tutorial here.
40. Double Stairstep Stitch
Like the easier single Stairstep design, this bracelet takes things to the next level by adding another Stairstep within a Stairstep on top of a basic Cobra design.
41. 2-Strand Loop
Bored Paracord
By using two long strips of paracord and the Twisted design, you create a bracelet that looks like two bracelets, but is actually just one. Want to make things even harder? Try using two colours.
View the entire tutorial here.
42. Heart Stitched
Paracord GuildWant to literally wear your heart on your sleeve? This design uses a base Cobra weave and uses type one paracord to stitch intricate alternating hearts within it. It is as romantic a gift as one could hope to receive from a paracord weaver, too.
View the entire tutorial here.
43. Belly Fishtail
Paracord GuildThe Belly Fishtail is essentially just a Fishtail on top of a Fishtail. However, because this uses a three cord system the difficulty of this weave comes in how tricky it is to set up properly.
View the entire tutorial here.
44. Hanging Bridge
Bored ParacordUnlike other close knit weave designs, the Hanging Bridge creates a more loose knit design between strands that lends to its name, because it looks like a hanging rope bridge right on your wrist.
View the entire tutorial here.
45. Building Blocks
Using two unique colours, the Building Blocks design looks like building blocks stacked on top of each other. However, upon closer inspection, the big building blocks are actually made out of other smaller building blocks, too.
46. Paralix
Weavers of EternityThe Paralix pattern looks similar to a DNA helix design and is created by intricately weaving two colours of paracord. While it looks simple at a glance, creating this can be fairly difficult to get right.
View the entire tutorial here.
47. Thin Line
Paracord GuildAs a variation of the Cobra design, the Thin Line bracelet adds in a thin strand of colour, making it a popular design for police officers, EMTs, military personnel, and anyone with a specific colour-coded cause that they want to represent.
View the entire tutorial here.
48. Cupid’s Belt
Weavers of EternityFrom afar, the Cupid’s Belt looks like a simple red and white striped bracelet, but upon closer inspection, other paracord weavers are sure to appreciate the number of intricate weaves that go into making it up.
View the entire tutorial here.
49. Mad Max
Paracord GuildMade popular after being seen in the movie Mad Max: Fury Road, the Mad Max style is actually just a simple Cobra bracelet, but what makes it so unique is the closing design that also allows the bracelet to be tightened and loosened as needed.
View the entire tutorial here.
50. Pulsar Bar
Using two deeply contrasting colours, the Pulsar, or Binary, Bar is used to create a repeating pattern reminiscent of the binary code of ones and zeros. It is a way to rep your nerd pride without looking too bad while doing it.
51. Checkered
Bored ParacordWhat is more alluring than the classic checkerboard pattern? However, while pretty standard, it is a pretty time intensive weave to pull off.
View the entire tutorial here.
52. Snake
Paracord GuildUsing one or two colours fused together, the Snake design allows you to get a unique bracelet where it looks like the paracord is swallowed into each other in a round design similar to that of a snake.
View the entire tutorial here.
53. Half Hitched / Double Tatted Bar
Paracord Guild
Using two colours, the Half Hitch / Double Tatted Bar looks actually like a series of cow hitch knots combined with the negative space found in other designs like the aforementioned Sonic Boom. However, while you can also clip things onto the loops of this bracelet, the loops are more compact and less likely to snag.
View the entire tutorial here.
54. Tomahawk Sinnet
Weavers of Eternity
Although thin, the Tomahawk Sinnet is fairly thick in girth with a pattern that features one colour essentially framing a zig-zag pattern in the center.
View the entire tutorial here.

Hard to Make Paracord Bracelets
55. Pokemon GO
This is one of those designs that is more awesome than it is useful. However, by using a series of Cobra weaves as well as a few other items to help with the shaping, you will create a bracelet that is the envy of other bracelets. It also shows that you want to be the very best, like no one ever was.
56. Star Wars Kylo Ren Lighsaber
Weavers of Eternity
Following the wave of Star Wars mania, this bracelet allows you to embrace your dark side with a Kylo Ren style lightsaber design made out of a series of different coloured Cobra weaves. It is also narrated by Kylo Ren, so there’s that.
View the entire tutorial here.
57. Deadpool Solomon Knot
Weavers of Eternity
Like Star Wars and Pokemon Go, of course Deadpool needed some tribute. This bracelet uses a four strand weave of red and white with a little extra detail work using microcord to replicate the eyes.
View the entire tutorial here.
58. Bane’s Cuff
Weavers of Eternity
Extra wide and using six strands of cord, this is the widest of the wide bracelets and is right to be called a cuff rather than a bracelet. Through some time-intensive weaving, you get a super thick bracelet with a unique pronounced ridge, but it still not as wide as Bane’s cuff.
View the entire tutorial here.
59. 6-Stranded French Sinnet
Bored Paracord
Using six strands of three colours (you can use more if your fuse), the French Sinnet can come off looking like a hot mess if you choose colours poorly or miss even one crucial step.
View the entire tutorial here.
60. Sanctified
Thick, wide, and labour-intensive – creating this design takes a lot of work, but is so worth it. The highlight of the bracelet is the chainmail style endless falls in the center, but with the addition of microcord accents, the design is given further interest to the eye. Unfortunately, because it is so intricate, it is also difficult to unravel.
61. Sanctified Switchback
Weavers of EternityLike the above Sanctified design, this style switches out the chainmail in the center for a series of slightly easier switchbacks.
View the entire tutorial here.
62. Lightning Strike
Paracord GuildThis design uses the King Cobra weave combined with type one paracord in order to create a unique lightning strike pattern. While it looks easy, there is actually quite a bit of planning involved if you want it to come out right.
View the entire tutorial here.
63. Gaucho Fan
Paracord GuildUsing a dowel rod, the gaucho fan uses two long lengths of type one paracord to create a round bracelet with a design similar to the classic gaucho ponchos.
View the entire tutorial here.
64. Hex Nut
Weavers of Eternity
Hex Nut weaves are popular among paracord weavers that like a little bling on their bracelets (plus those hex nuts can be super useful). In this design, the hex nuts are arranged in a way that gives them a braided like appearance with Cobra weaves for comfort on the underside of your wrist.
View the entire tutorial here.
65. Genoese Piano Bar
This particular bracelet design takes the particularly showy Genoese pattern and changes it into piano keys by using black and white as the colours. However, at is heart, this is just a typical Genoese design so you can use any colours you’d like.
66. Wide Geonese
Bored ParacordLike the Geonese design above? Well, how would you like it to be wider?
View the entire tutorial here.
67. Tank Trucks
Bored ParacordThis design uses a modified version of two weaves into order to create something wholly unique that also happens to look like tank tracks rolling across your wrist.
View the entire tutorial here.
68. Solomon V Bar
Paracord 101This weave uses the Solomon weave (otherwise known as the Cobra) to create what looks like a simple V pattern. However, by using three different colours, it is tougher than it looks.
View the entire tutorial here.
69. Chain Mail Trilobite
Weavers of EternityThis tutorial takes the moderately difficult trilobite weave and adds something really cool – chain links. By adding the metal links into the weaving, it gives your bracelet the unique look of hex nuts without the serious bulk of hex nuts.
View the entire tutorial here.
70. Solomon’s Heart
This pattern is made from the simple Solomon (or Cobra) design, but it looks vastly different from the base design due to the addition of complex weaves to form a series of hearts.
71. Wauseon Totem Bar
Bored ParacordSimilar to the much easier Sonic Boom design, the Wauseon Totem Bar weave features loops that are filled in with paracord to form something akin to fins or wings like you would see on its inspiration – a totem pole.
View the entire tutorial here.
72. Conquistador
Paracord Guild
Wide like a cuff, the Conquistador bracelet is created using the same weaving design that conquistadors used on their belts to hold up their pants while pillaging ancient nations. Although relatively simple looking, this weave takes time and finesse to pull off.
View the entire tutorial here.
73. Solomon’s Dragon
Paracord GuildThis style of bracelet has become popular due to the amount of ways you can customize it. While the Solomon weave is simple on its own, using three colours and well as doing the stitching correctly requires some finesse.
View the entire tutorial here.
74. 3-Colour Mated Snake
Paracord Guild
The Mated Snake is a popular design for the way its two colours interlock, but when you add a third colour in there, you get a wonderfully wide creation that is perfect for your three favourite colours. Unfortunately, this design requires a fair bit of time as well as practice.
View the entire tutorial here.