Adventure Reading List: Explore Contributors Offer Their Top Choices to Stay Inspired
You’re staying home during this time—and we applaud your contribution to our collective health.
But we also know you might be, well, a little stir-crazy. The outdoors are calling you, and many of you cannot respond (right now).
Inspiration awaits. Books! We’ve polled Explore contributors to craft an ultimate list of reading choices for outdoorsy folks like you. Read on, order up, stay stoked and: “Hold fast, all storms pass.”
Will Gadd
(Explore columnist, mountain sports athlete)
My choice is Alive, by Piers Paul Read: A plane with 45 South American rugby players crashes high in the Andes, and weeks later two of the 16 survivors walk out. Likely the most amazing survival tale of all time, and a source of inspiration for me. @realwillgadd
Ryan Stuart
(Explore Field Editor, gear expert)
I just finished Beyond the Trees, by Adam Shoalts. The guy is a total badass. The way he travels upriver is insane and hardcore like few do these days. It reminds me of the suffering of the polar trips of the 1800s and early 1900s. @ryanpstuart
Chloe Berge
(Explore contributor, travel/lifestyle writer)
I’d recommend Upstream, by Mary Oliver. This collection of essays by the late American poet is a book I return to when I need a reminder of the beauty to be found in the everyday. Her observations and descriptions of the natural world inspire me to see things in a new light: a blade of glass, a tree, the particular quality of light at dawn. @chloeberge
Frank Wolf
(Explore contributor, author, adventurer)
I recommend The Orenda, by Joseph Boyden. I didn’t choose this book—it chose me. While on a 1,750-kilometre canoe trip from Yellowknife to Chantry Inlet in 2018, I came across a lone cabin in the barrens that had been ransacked by a grizzly. Seemingly untouched in the corner was a copy of The Orenda. For the rest of the journey, The Orenda had me gripped. This tale of Huron and Iroquois combatants in the very early days of colonization made me constantly reflect on the dynamic and vibrant Indigenous societies that used to exist not only in Eastern Canada where the story is set, but in all corners of the country. @frankwolf70
Nora O’Malley
(Explore contributor, journalist)
Kevin Callan
(Explore columnist/blogger, author, YouTuber)
Kerry Hale
(Explore contributor, freelance writer)
David Webb
(Explore editor-in-chief)
Alison Hodgins
(Explore online editor)