Caroline Walter


FEAT Kids 2015

Fascinating Expedition & Adventure Talks (FEAT) Canada is proud to announce FEAT Kids, a speaker series aimed to encourage young people to chase their dreams and make a change. On March 4, 2015 at the Centennial Theater in North Vancouver, eight young speakers will share with the audience some of the greatest moments they have learnt from their past experiences as well as the lessons learnt along the way.

FEAT Canada – Speakers & Inspiration

Fascinating Expedition & Adventure Talks (FEAT) Canada is back March 4, 2015 for another exciting year at the Centennial Theater in Vancouver. This adventurous series is designed to be like a TED Talk for those who are looking to challenge themselves on their next journeys

FEAT Speaker Series: Anders Ourum

Anders Ourum accepted to share the “fountain of youth” to every climber out there based on his past experiences and wisdom. The technique, balance, and grace that any type of climbing requires can get better with age (just like wine) and with Anders’ suggestions, today’s climbers could see themselves sending…