Blogs, Hiking, Ontario, Ontario Trails, The Happy Camper
The Happy Camper: A Tour of Amherst Island’s Trails
I’m learning so much about the wild areas near Kingston, Ontario. I moved to the area in late summer and …
Kevin Callan is the author of 15 books, including the best-selling The Happy Camper and his incredibly popular series of paddling guides. He's a notable public speaker and frequent guest on radio and television. Kevin is also a regular contributor, blogger and columnist for explore Magazine and has won several National Magazine Awards. He was made Patron Paddler for Paddle Canada and has recently won several filmmaking awards.
Blogs, Hiking, Ontario, Ontario Trails, The Happy Camper
I’m learning so much about the wild areas near Kingston, Ontario. I moved to the area in late summer and …
Editors' Picks, environment, Opinion, The Happy Camper, Wildlife
More people out their gawking at birds equals more attention towards the protection of them and their habitat.
Adventure, Ontario Trails, The Happy Camper
Snowshoes make it easier to get around out there… and there’s a lot out there.
Adventure, Paddling, The Happy Camper
There are lots of outdoor-oriented events scheduled for 2025. Some even have The Happy Camper presenting thanks to his sponsors, including Explore Magazine.
Opinion, Paddling, The Happy Camper
The year 2025 will bring significant changes to where canoe trippers can pitch their tent every night in some Ontario Parks.
Canoeing, Paddling, The Happy Camper
After a glance up and down my bookshelf, I gathered the canoe books I had read. Here is a short review of each.
Camping, Gear, The Happy Camper
If you’re shopping for a Paul Bunyan wannabe this Christmas, check out these gift ideas that any axe lover would love to see under the tree.
Adventure, Opinion, The Happy Camper
When I was asked to write a back cover review for Frank Wolf’s latest book Two Springs, One Summer, I jumped at the chance.
Contests, Ontario, The Happy Camper
I was truly honoured to be a part of the SOAR Outdoor Adventure Reels Film Festival held at the Indie Cinema in Sudbury, Ontario back in early November.
Camping, Gear, The Happy Camper
The Esker Classic had its drawbacks. Now the new Multi Winter Tent has stepped it up a notch. To me, it’s a game-changer.
Gear, Paddling, The Happy Camper
It’s also time to reflect on the paddling season and decide on which new gear were my favourite pieces.
Adventure, Hiking, Ontario Trails, The Happy Camper
Three stumbles, one fall, a knee brace, a broken hiking pole and a bottle of pain meds, but this 60-year-old finally finished the Frontenac Challenge.
Hiking Trail Reviews, Ontario, The Happy Camper
I recently moved to the Kingston area in Ontario and I thought what better way to become familiar with the …
Ontario, Opinion, The Happy Camper
Anthropocentric views of nature. All the great nature writers warned us about it. Thoreau, Leopold, Carson. It’s a worldview that …
Ontario, Paddling, The Happy Camper
If you’re a paddler looking for a “true” wilderness canoe trip experience, you’ll definitely have your prayers answered in Opasquia Provincial Park.
Ontario, Paddling, The Happy Camper
It was late afternoon of day seven of our canoe trip in northern Ontario’s remote Opasquia Provincial Park when Andy and I finally slid our canoe into a large lake and joyfully paddled across the great expanse of water.
Adventure, Paddling, The Happy Camper
We had two weeks, three packs, a barrel full of dehydrated food and two litres of whisky. Two old guys that just turned 60 couldn’t be happier.
Adventure, Canoeing, The Happy Camper
In the morning Andy and Albert gave the pilot the coordinates of a random, unnamed lake in the southeast corner of the park, one the pilot had never landed on before, and we set off to our magical mystery tour of Opasquia Provincial Park.
Adventure, Gear, The Happy Camper
I’ve been on a lot of canoe trips this season. Yay for me. And thankfully I got myself two new …
Adventure, Canoeing, The Happy Camper
I am 60 years old now, and I can firmly state that I have become very rich in spirit, but …
It’s snow season! And we have the best of winter in our latest issue. From the Freeride World Tour; to a 25-plus item Winter Gift Guide; to looking at sober living in mountain towns; exploring Baffin Island by ski; the future of MEC; traditional snowshoes; winter camping tips… All this and so much more!