Avoid being struck by lightning

If a storm is coming, take these precautions to avoid being struck by lighting.

Each year, more than 1,000 people around the world are killed by lightning strikes. But what most don’t realize is that you don’t need to be directly under a storm to be in danger.

Lightning bolts can extend for 16 kilometres from the very active leading or trailing edges of a storm, meaning the blue sky above you is no safety blanket. To protect yourself, employ basic lightning safety measures anytime thunderstorms are in the vicinity.

  • Avoid prominent ridges.

  • If you are boating, get to shore as quickly as you can.

  • Set up camp away from tall trees and exposed places.

  • Take shelter in an area of small trees.

  • Assume the lightning position: crouch on the balls of your feet, preferably on a sleeping pad.

  • If in a group, spread out in a straight line at least 15 feet apart to reduce the chances of a lightning strike jumping from one person to the next.

