Canoecopia 2009 timeslapse – ya gotta check it out!

I always come home exhausted after speaking at Canoecopia, and this year was no exception. I had close to 3,000 people listen to me speak there this year after five presentations. It’s crazy. Canoecopia is held the second weekend of March every year, Rutabaga hosts Canoecopia, the largest Paddling Expo in the world, in Madison, Wisconsin’s Allient Energy Center, a 150,000 square foot facility. But it’s hard to explain how busy such an event is to friends and family back home – that is until I saw Jon Stackpole’s video on You Tube where he set up his camera to take a shot every 15 mintutes from Fri moring to Sun night. This vdieo truely captures some of the essence of the show.

Ya got to check out this timelapse video.

