Dangerous Animal Encounters – Section 3.2.2 Bobcats
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There is really no need to have any fear of bobcats. They are relatively small creatures that weigh in at around 20lbs and do not pose any real danger to humans. That being said, they do have a strong bite and sharp claws. It is not a good idea to ever corner a bobcat or attempt to get close to one in the wild. Any animal will attempt to defend itself under these circumstances and though it is extremely unlikely that it could kill you, it could certainly do some damage, as anyone who’s ever held an angry housecat can attest…
If I heard of someone being attacked by a bobcat that wasn’t provoked or cornered my first concern would be rabies. If rabies wasn’t the cause I would assume it was likely due to extreme malnutrition due to age or illness that led to the desperate act.
Any unwanted bobcat encounter should be treated similarly to an unwanted domestic dog encounter. Square off, make eye contact, yell loudly, fight hard and mean if attacked, and try and stay on your feet.