Dangerous Animal Encounters – Section 3.5.2 Hoofed Mammals: Elk

In this section you'll learn what makes elk more dangerous than deer.

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You can take the advice I have given you for deer encounters and apply it to elk as well. However, elk are much more dangerous than deer, in that they are much larger and more powerful.

Instances of elk acting aggressively toward humans are infrequent and usually involve hunters who are out during the rut while camouflaged and sneaking around.

Do not attempt to get too close to elk calves or approach elk too closely. Why? An elk would only lash out at you if it feels it needs to defend itself or its calf.

If an elk is not retreating from you and/or acting aggressively, assume submissive/non-threat posture and move away from the area.

Bull elk can be extremely dangerous during the rut, as their hormones are boiling over. It is never a good idea to get too close to bull elk during the rut unless you are an experienced hunter and you know what you are doing.

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