Destinations Ask Adventurers to Explore BC… Later

Do you know of a destination asking explorers not to visit right now?

Explorers, stay home.

Some of our favourite destinations in British Columbia have been asking adventurers to put their trip plans on hold until the COVID-19 pandemic has passed. In lieu, Tourism Boards have been sharing incredible photos by past visitors and current locals on social media.

We wanted to share a few posts that might inspire you to explore BC… later:


1. Nelson Kootenay Lake


2. Kelowna


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In this uncertain time, communities like ours have come together to navigate the challenges we’re facing. • People are connecting virtually and to further this connection, we will continue to share content across our channels so you can #exploreKelownafromhome for the time being. We hope to bring a smile to your face, and we encourage you to share your favourite photos and stories with us, too. We can’t wait to see you when it’s time to travel again. • For now, please stay home and follow the advice of health authorities. Let’s all do our part now so we can #exploreBC again later. • For travellers seeking information about COVID-19, we encourage you to visit @hellobc’s “What You Need to Know” page: • Should you have any questions or need more information about Kelowna, our Visitor Experience team is available to assist you virtually (link in bio). • ????: @sawatzky.pam / @niccollarfilm

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3. Prince Rupert


4. Victoria


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????Greater Victoria This is a difficult and uncertain time for many people around the world. COVID-19 has brought with it challenges that affect us all. Destination Greater Victoria recognizes the seriousness of the situation, but also understands that many of us are looking for positive and reassuring content to occupy ourselves in isolation. Over the coming weeks, we plan to share photos, stories and ideas to keep you entertained and uplifted, wherever you are in the world. This is not intended to offend anyone, but as a reminder that life will go on after COVID-19 and Greater Victoria will be ready to welcome you when the world is ready to travel again. For now, stay healthy and happy, and stay at home if you can. We hope to welcome you back to our beautiful destination in the not distant future.

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5. Tofino



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