Explore’s Outdoor Gear Pick of the Week: Columbia PFG Tidal Deflector™ Printed Long Sleeve Shirt
It’s finally summer!!
We all want to get out into the sunshine, right? Not so fast—exposing our skin to harmful UVB rays can cause sunburns, skin cancer, immune system suppression, premature aging and eye damage. Slather on that sunscreen, but remember, no sunscreen blocks UV radiation 100 per cent. Add another layer and a hat to cover your skin and protect it from damage.
Our long sleeve of choice this summer is covered with tiny white dots. Each miniscule circle reflects the sunlight away from your body, allowing you to feel cooler despite being covered. The resulting material is a little strange to the touch, almost akin to cellophane, which makes it preferable as an outer layer. For a loose, flowy fit, size up.
Alison Karlene Hodgins
The Ultraviolet Protection Factor (UPF) 50 sun protection in Columbia’s Tidal and Terminal Deflector™ Printed Long Sleeve Shirts offers an effective, long-lasting addition to sunscreen. Take on the heat with patented wicking technology that pulls moisture away from your skin to keep you dry and comfortable. Plus, we’re not complaining about the fun, pastel ombré design.
We opt to wear this lightweight top when we’re trail running, fishing, hiking, camping or just enjoying the sunshine on the beach. Bring on the warm weather!
Buy it here: