Explore’s Outdoor Gear Pick of the Week: Fenix E35R Rechargeable Flashlight



Making its debut in the industry of high-performance lighting in 2001, Fenix has since become a household name. Best known for its comprehensive lineup of tactical flashlights, the brand also specializes in lanterns for camping, headlights and bike lights. With a reputation for doling out some of the most durable and robust options, Fenix’s varied offerings are favoured by tens of millions of outdoor enthusiasts and professionals in over 100 countries.

Lightweight and compact, the Fenix E35R is an ideal EDC (everyday carry) flashlight suitable for indoor and outdoor use. At 120 millimetres in length and weighing 148 grams (including the battery), it fits comfortably in your hands, pocket and daypack.

Like the brand’s other flashlight models, the E35R boasts a simple design and intuitive user interface. A short hold on the single switch turns it on and off, and quick clicks cycle through the flashlight’s six lighting modes, including a strobe mode. On eco mode, the lowest setting, the E35R achieves an impressive runtime of 69 hours. On turbo mode, the flashlight emits an eye-searing 3100 lumens with a beam distance of 260 metres. Because using a flashlight on such high settings over an extended period can cause it to overheat, the E35R automatically switches to a lower setting when it reaches a temperature of 60 C to prevent damage.

The E35R runs on a 5000mAh rechargeable lithium-ion battery for an eco-friendly approach, which can be juiced up via a fast-charging USB C cable in just three hours. A solid green on the battery level indicator means it’s fully charged and a flashing red indicates it’s due for a charge.

Crafted with oxidation-resistant aluminum, the E35R is built to last. And because it’s also waterproof and impact-resistant up to one metre, this flashlight is a top contender for anyone looking to invest in a long-lasting, powerful and versatile EDC flashlight.

This article was sponsored by Fenix


