Explore’s Outdoor Gear Pick of the Week: YETI Yonder™ Water Bottle


Drinking adequate water on your adventures is extremely important. YETI has created a new, light and durable water bottle called the Yonder. This translucent bottle is not insulated, making it ideal for lightweight hydration on-the-go, whether you are embarking on long and legendary ascents or quick, technical treks.

The sturdy, burly two-part handle and carry cap threads together perfectly, making the bottle 100 per cent leakproof—tested by yours truly on a recent riverfront walk. I love the crystal-clear spout—it’s not too wide, not too narrow—for easy and quick access to hydration, especially when I’m working up a sweat and craving a fast sip. The bottle also features one flat side and a textured cap, making it easier to hold and grip even when your adventures take you on rocky or uneven terrain. The Yonder is designed to sustain impact and freezing without loss of function.

walking by the river with the new bottle

To celebrate the launch of the Yonder and see its toughness in action, YETI sent one of the first bottles to ambassador and Olympic surfer John John Florence. He tested the Yonder water bottle as he sailed from Hawaii to Fiji, travelling over 4,500 kilometres in two weeks. The reliable strength and lightweight design made Yonder the ideal bottle for Florence to use as he explored far, deep and high into the Fijian Islands. It’ll do the same on your own adventures, whether local or abroad.

adventure climbing stay hydratedYETI

Overall, we’re impressed with this new water bottle. It packs a punch and delivers the same supreme durability that YETI is known and trusted for. This BPA-free, dishwasher-safe bottle is easy to take and hard to break, wherever the wild leads you.

Shop now:

Yonder Water Bottle

Available in Clear, Navy, Charcoal, Canopy Green and Seafoam


This was sponsored by YETI

