Frank Wolf’s On The Line – watch this film!

Frank Wolf's film On The Line is timely and a must-watch

Not only do I like the films Frank Wolf has produced, I admire the reasons he produces them. It’s all about awareness of an environmental and social issue. His latest – On The Line – does exactly that. Frank, and his friend Todd McHGowan, set out last summer to determine how the Northern Gateway Pipeline would affect ecosystems and communities along its path. So, they walked, hiked, cycled and paddled 2,400 kilomters along the proposed pipline route from the oil sands to Kitimat, on B.C.’s northern coast.


The film can’t be timelier. It’s an insightful look at this 5.5 billion dollar pipeline project. After viewing it, I’d have to guess that none of the interviews were set up – something I think adds a great deal to the project. They were “normal” people met along the way who shared they’re true feelings. And their definitely were strong feelings. – especially between the two provinces (Alberta and British Columbia). The other key point highlighted was the rugged terrain the two traveled through; scenes of Frank and Todd dealing with the harsh elements emphasized how disastrous a leak would be if (or when) it happened.


Watch this film. It’s available on-line but I purchased mine at Mountain Equipment Co-op.



