Go here: Parc National des Monts-Valin

About Monts-Valin
Rising more than 3,000 feet above the nearby Saguenay Fjord, the Monts-Valin range sucks twice as much precipitation out of the clouds as the town of Chicoutimi, only 35 kilometres away. In winter, that translates to 275 inches—more than 22 feet—of snow in this sub-range of the Laurentians, which explains why the locals call the area a “snow hole.”

The Fantômes hut
From December until March, all that white stuff turns Parc National des Monts-Valin into a winter wonderland of snow ghosts, or fantômes. The park’s hut network and 65 kilometres of backcountry trails cry out for multi-day tours (on either light touring skis or snowshoes), but a snowcat shuttle also makes it easy to go for just the day.

Trip options
For a good weekend trip, take the shuttle to the Vallée des Fantômes, and explore the nearby summits from the Fantômes hut, or ski back to the park’s visitor centre, overnighting at a hut partway.

Snowshoeing is one of the more popular activities
A self-supported loop of the park would take three or four days, staying in a different hut each night. For more info: Sépaq