Halloween Events at Ontario Parks

Ten provincial parks across the southern half of Ontario plan spooky Halloween events.
Camper families decorate their campsites. Kids trick or treat. There are pumpkin-carving events, best costume contests and scavenger hunts, but the coolest Halloween things are the naturalist-led evening activities. These focus on creatures with scary reputations like spiders, bats and owls.
Park naturalists dig up weird and wonderful facts about these creatures and share them during spooky night hikes, owl prowls, coyote and wolf howls. Kids ask many questions and are fascinated by what they learn. Visit the Ontario Parks Blog for a complete list of this year’s Halloween events. Another exciting Halloween program introduces visitors to park creatures of the night.
For centuries, bats have been associated with black magic, witchcraft and vampire folklore. Today, bats need our help and understanding to survive. In a Parks Blog post, Rondeau Provincial Park naturalist Laura Penner reveals amazing bat facts that dispel many of the myths associated with the world’s only flying mammal.
More than just a collection of legs, Ontario’s spiders have some bizarre quirks and amazing strategies for survival. Rondeau Provincial Park naturalist Pilar Manorome shares what makes these creepy creatures so cool.