How to tie a trucker’s hitch

How to tie a trucker's hitch knot; This is the ultimate combination of a knot and pulley system. It’s a great way to rig rain tarps and tent guy lines.

Credit: Carl Wiens

Step 1

This is the ultimate combination of a knot and pulley system. It’s a great way to rig rain tarps and tent guy lines.

First, tie off the rope onto the set anchor (tent, tarp).

Credit: Carl Wiens

Step 2

Then, about three-quarters of the way along, twist the rope to form a loop and bring the loose end of the rope through the loop to form a second loop. Take note that the further away from the anchor you make the loop, the more powerful the hitch will be.

Credit: Carl Wiens

Step 3

Now, pass the rope around another anchor and bring it back through the loop. Pull and hold down the grip by finishing off with a half hitch.

