My new pimped out canoe
Wow! I just picked up my new 17 ft. Prospector Aramid Lite from Nova Craft and decked it out with my new canoe deck from Northwater. Everything is perfect in the world. Nova Craft blended the Canadian maple leaves, the goose and The Happy Camper logo right into the mold—no stickers used here. To top it off, on the bottom they placed, “HELP!” in case I flip over mid-lake or need assistance on the portage. The deck is amazing. I custom ordered it. It’s to be used when paddling tandem, but can be switched for solo. I can also remove the centre piece to give my daughter room to sit when she gets bigger (she’s still small enough to sit beside my wife in the bow seat). It’s also got a map case holder, a paddle holder and two strap on areas to place my Goal Zero solar panels.
It’s definitely pimped out, and it’s first trip will be on the Atlantic Ocean. We’re doing a family holiday in P.E.I., where my wife is from, and we’re doing some paddling along the coast. The second trip I will take is to the Pukaskwa coast, along Lake Superior, then the Ottawa River up by Lake Temiskaming and then a trip around Lake Opeongo in Algonquin. Exciting or what!