Mar 13, 2019

Kylik Kisoun Taylor, Culture Meets Adventure in Canada’s North

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We love the Canadian Arctic. It’s not just the rugged, open landscapes. Or the fascinating wildlife. Or just the feeling of being in one of the last untouched places on Earth. It’s that, but it’s so much more.

It’s the human story of the land that has captivated me. Our editor, David Webb, has been north of 66 five times. By land, sea and air.

But that’s tourism.

Our guest today is joining us from Inuvik, Northwest Territories—a small town located at the end of the Dempster Highway.

His name is Kylik Kisoun Taylor, and he operates Tundra North Tours—an outfitter that merges outdoor adventure with rich indigenous cultural experiences.

His story is also rich. It’s a tale of cultural rediscovery and meaningful economic enterprise. And Pink Floyd comes into the mix too.

Stay tuned for Kylik Kisoun Taylor, in episode three:

In This Podcast You’ll Learn

  • How culture influences tourism in the North
  • The intermingling of culture and adventure
  • How cultural rediscoveries can create a sustainable economy
  • What life is like north of 66
  • And more!

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