Presenting at the Toronto Outdoor Adventure Show
The Toronto Outdoor Adventure Show is this weekend and I’ll be there presenting a number of times. Saturday and Sunday afternoon I’m presenting on “Ontario’s Best Canoe Routes” and showing off the contest video bloopers for the Classic Canadian Adventure I am hosting this summer. Prizes add up to over $26,000 value and you get to travel with me throughout Ottawa and the Ottawa Valley in August 2011 for seven days. Should be a lot of fun. For details, go to classic Canadian Adventure for details and to sign up to win.
The rest of the time I’ll be hanging around the Ontario Tourism booth giving a bunch if presentations on how to pack for a canoe trip, making your own meals and my best gadgets I pack along.
It should be a lot of fun – or at least a good reason to get out and fight the winter boredom as we all patiently wait for spring break up.