Support Local: 5 Canadian Outdoor Adventure Brands You Might Not Have Heard About Yet
While you likely have your favourite outdoor gear brands, here are a few Canadian companies you might not have considered before. Enjoy browsing!
1. Wolfe Co. Apparel and Goods®
Based in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA), this label was born in 2016 out of a struggle to find clothing made in Canada. Considering the conditions of overseas factories and the incredible talent within our own country, Wolfe Co. Apparel and Goods® strives to make quality goods locally. Outerwear includes crewnecks, camp shorts, ribbed toques and scarves.
2. Sorel Footwear
Founded in 1962, this Canadian brand is a footwear favourite. From sandals to winter boots to runners, there are staple and new designs fit for a variety of weather conditions and terrain. While not typical hiking boots, several of these boots and sneakers transition easily from dirt trails to concrete streets.
3. Avventura Outdoors
As seen in Explore‘s Live the Adventure Club Gear Box, Vancouver-based Avventura Outdoors makes everything from camping stoves to snowshoeing gaiters, flashlights to hammocks, and inflatable air mattresses to collapsible hiking poles.
4. BUFF® Canada
Multifunctional headwear is a hit with outdoor adventurers. BUFF® Canada is based in Canmore, Alberta. Products like neckwear, caps and headbands are made from sustainable fabric including Merino Wool and recycled polyester microfibre.
5. Pajar Canada
Pajar has been making footwear and outerwear for outdoor lovers since 1963. The company is based in Montreal, Quebec. Pieces pay tribute to Canadian traditions while utilizing modern technology. Find ice grippers, waterproof leather and winter jackets rated to -30 degrees.
P.S. Want more adventure gear throughout the year?
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