The cold quiz

So you think you know your weird winter trivia? Prove it

Write down your answer for each question.

1. After heart attacks, Canadians are most likely to die in the winter from:

a) Falling off chairlifts

b) Being speared by runaway skis

c) Falling off chairlifts and then being speared by runaway skis

d) Car accidents

2. In Environment Canada’s online poll of the top 20 weather stories of the last century, voters rated this event as number one:

a) The birth of meteorologist David Phillips

b) The death of the original Wiarton Willy

c) The 1982 shovel shortage

d) The Ontario/Quebec ice storm

3. Which of the following did Canadians invent:

a) The garbage-bag-as-toboggan

b) The snowboard simulator

c) Canine booties

d) The winterized shopping cart

4. In 1947, a 10-day blizzard buried towns and trains across the Prairies, and forced people to tunnel through the snow to get to their outhouses. Environment Canada called the event:

a) A complete surprise (who could have predicted snow?)

b) The worst time to own an outhouse

c) The worst time to own an outhouse with a metal seat

d) The worst blizzard in Canadian railway history

5. Children, teachers and parents from the London District Catholic School Board in London, Ont., currently hold the Guinness World Record for making:

a) The most dangerous snowball

b) The smallest snowman

c) The first snow fort made entirely of yellow snow

d) The most simultaneous snow angels

6. To deal with Toronto’s “Storm of the Century” in January 1999, residents:

a)  Bought their first-ever pairs of snow boots

b)  Rented the Stephen King miniseries Storm of the Century

c)  Went to Florida

d)  Called in the army

7. New Brunswick is known for getting hit by winter storms on:

a)  Irving Oil Day

b)  Atlantic Salmon Day

c)  Eat Fiddleheads Day

d)  Groundhog Day

8. Which winter sport has been demonstrated at the Winter Olympics but has never been officially included in the games?

a) Pairs snowshoeing

b) Blindfolded ice sculpting

c) GT Snow Racer slalom

d) Skijoring (skiing while being pulled by a horse)

9. What substance was used to make Elora, Ont., appear completely buried in snow for the 1994 movie Trapped in Paradise?

a) Snow

b) Ranch dressing

c) Cocaine

d) Potato flakes

10. Environment Canada’s original wind chill index used the Siple-Passel equation, based on research done in 1945 by:

a) Siple and Passel,  two office workers in downtown Winnipeg

b) Siple and Passel, two cousins of David Phillips

c) Siple and Passel, two French-Canadian naturists

d) Siple and Passel, two Antarctic explorers

11. Canadian Chantelle Gorham is credited with doing this at the 2004 Royal Agricultural Winter Fair:

a)  Creating the world’s largest butter sculpture

b)  Milking a male cow

c)  Growing the most symmetrical gourd of all time

d)  Making a 3,010 lb slab of fudge

12. Yukon Quest organizers created which additional dogsled race in 2000?

a) The Yukon Quest for Toy Breeds Only

b) The You-Can! Quest

c) The All-Nude Yukon Quest

d) The Yukon Quest 250

13. Canadian ski champion Nancy Greene has appeared in commercials for:

a) Cheese-in-a-can

b) Mentos, the Freshmaker

c) Preparation H

d) Mars bar

14. This frozen waterfall is one of Banff National Park’s most difficult ice climbing routes.

a)  The Calculator

b)  The Numerator

c)  The Denominator

d)  The Terminator

15. On February 3, 1947, people in Snag, Yukon, experienced:

a) The joy of communal sex

b) Their first Jell-O Jiggler

c) A Canadian record-high level of boredom

d) A Canadian record-low temperature of —63˚C

16. The word “toque” is thought to have come from the word toca, which means:

a) “Itchy” in French

b) “Covers up baldness” in Arabic

c)  “An item worn by young men in music videos” in several languages

d)  “Woman’s headdress” in Spanish

17. In February 1934, for only the second time in recorded history:

a) The Maple Leafs won a hockey game

b) The Maple Leafs made the playoffs

c) The Maple Leafs won the Stanley Cup

d) Lake Ontario froze over completely

All of the answers are: d.

