The cult of fit
It may all sound fully twisted, but here’s the thing: It works. I’d put the average CrossFitter up against the average gym rat in any real-life physical situation and expect the guy or girl with the ugly T-shirt and knee-high white tube socks (worn to prevent shin rash) to win. My wife, Kim, got into CrossFit to fight off the physical effects of being a mom. My garage and driveway are now regularly full of outrageously strong women doing stuff that freaks the neighbours out.
As for me, I still believe in sports-specific training for specific sports, but I now love clean-and-jerking my loaded kayak onto the six-foot-plus roof rack of my truck because I know how. I can lift large logs and small children without fearing for my back. My knees feel better than they have in years, and I am FORGED and ELITE! Well, not really, but I feel that way occasionally after a workout while I’m making a sweat angel on the floor.
There are already schisms within CrossFit (Gym Jones is one breakaway cult), but I fully believe CrossFit-style training is going to take over the general fitness world. It’s only a matter of time.
You will be assimilated.