The Happy Camper: A Sleeping Bag for Lovers

I’m known for doing goofy things on my local TV morning show, which is exactly why I ordered Exped’s Hyperquilt Duo sleeping bag. I couldn’t wait to get all snuggly inside with the show’s host. It would definitely make for a hilarious segment.
Unfortunately, however, the lime green colour was a big no-no with the studio’s green screen. Anything green doesn’t show up—so we had to cancel showing off the two-person sleeping system.
Of course, that doesn’t mean I couldn’t use it on trip. It might look a little goofy but it’s also darn practical. I mean, at home every couple snuggles up to beat the evening chill. Why not do the same while camping?
It’s possible to zip two sleeping bags together. Most bags do this. But the Hyperquilt Duo heightens the experience. It’s a soft, light (992 grams), down-filled quilt that you lay over you and attach to your duo air mat (or two air mats linked together). There’s two integrated down filled hoodies to keep in the warmth—or you simply close them off and lay it over you like a regular quilt. The comfort temperature zone is rated at five degrees Celsius.
Quilts are very every-effective way to keep cozy. After all, two bodies are better than one when trying to keep warm. They’re also efficient from a weight and packability standpoint and, when used in tandem with comfortable next-to-skin mat sheets, they are ingenious.
And you’ll get a giggle out of trying it out with your partner as well.
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