The Happy Camper: Camping Tips and Tricks with Tim Foley

The Happy Camper talks camping tricks and tips with his good friend and tripping partner Tim Foley

I go on trips with some awesome people, and most of them know more than me about outdoor living. So, I thought it’s only fair that I share some of their skills and motivation with you.

Please check out my latest Happy Camper Whisky Fireside Chat video. I took a bunch of tips and tricks from my good friend and tripping partner Tim Foley. My other trip mates have labelled him “Ganduff.” This guy knows his stuff.

However, Tim hates the camera. I find that a bit weird since he was a lead singer in a major touring rock band a couple of decades ago. He seldom talks about his rock star status while on trip. I’m not sure why. It seemed like a random act the day he cut off his dreads, hung them in a pine tree somewhere in Algonquin, placed his music career in limbo and decided to open up an outdoor store, Canadian Outdoor Equipment.

Check out the video, listen to his rambling of gear, tips and moments of deep thinking. You won’t regret it. He is, after all, our “Ganduff.”


