The Happy Camper: Canoe Trip Planning Q&A

It’s that time of the year when the smoke-scented packs come out of the attic, weathered paddles are taken off hangers, canoes are pulled from the racks and the kitchen constantly smells of veggies and a variety of sauces being dehydrated. It’s almost canoe season, and it’s time to plan new routes to explore and prepare favourite gear.
Kevin Callan
This week, my regular canoe buddy, Andy Baxter, came over to help me soak up the first sunny day of spring on my front porch. Over a few refreshments, we created a two-part video series answering dozens of questions paddlers sent to me on social media about route planning and gear choices.
Check them out on my KCHappyCamper YouTube channel and add more questions in the comments if you like.
Canoe Trip Planning Q&A with Kevin and Andy: Part 1
Canoe Trip Planning Q&A with Kevin and Andy: Part 2
And a big thanks goes to Explore Magazine for helping sponsor such video series this season.