The Happy Camper: Dianne Whelan’s 500 Days in the Wild

Kevin Callan sits down with Diane Whelan to chat about her remarkable, 500-day journey along the Trans Canada Trail.

Credit: Diane Whelan

I had the privilege to get a visit this past weekend from Dianne Whelan, the filmmaker who’s travelling across Canada via the Trans Canada trail.

The last time I saw her she stopped by Peterborough, Ontario. She was about to camp under the local railway bridge—a place known for violent crimes and rampant drug deals. So I picked her up and took her to my place.

Since then she’s travelled the section of the trail to Blind River, Ontario, took some time off to visit family for Christmas, and is now heading back out to snowshoe the Voyageur Trail section from Blind River to Sault Saint Marie.

I gave her one of my Snowtrekker hot tents—a one- or two-person shortwall—for the journey. It suits her. Dianne is going along the trail like a turtle—slow, steady and smart. She’ll be more comfortable trekking along the 200-kilometres of unmaintained winter trail with a heat source stuffed in her pulk.

Check out the interview I did with her before she left; and view Dianne’s progress along the way at

Watch the Video Here:

