The Happy Camper: On the Road Again

Kevin Callan is coming to a town near you! Catch his speaking tour here:

Credit: Kevin Callan

My speaking tour starts soon. I’ll be travelling all over North America for a few months presenting on three topics: Scotland Spey River Paddle & Whisky Tour, Father & Daughter Canoe Trip and Ontario’s Best Canoe Routes. I’m looking forward to it.

Well, maybe not the stress of airports, smelly people beside me in airplanes, long drives through the night, lack of sleep and once again being stripped-searched at the border. But I will enjoy sharing my wilderness (mis)adventures with a bunch of like-minded people. That part is amazing!

Be prepared. My sister Colleen, a dress designer, has made a special Tartan jacket for me to wear during my Scotland Spey River presentation and my daughter Kyla is joining me on stage a few times for the Father & Daughter Canoe Trip presentation. This will be her first Canoecopia and she’s looking forward to making fun of her father the entire time.

Here’s my schedule so far. More to come. And thanks to all my sponsors for helping out with the tour: explore, Outdoor Research, Adventure Medical Kit, GlobalStar/SPOT, Nova Craft, Eureka, Jet Boil, Woolpower, Canadian Outdoor Equipment, Kelly Kettle, Badger Paddles and Frontier Bushcraft.

  • January 31: Durham Outdoor Club (winter camping workshop) in Oshawa, Ontario
  • February 24 to 25: Toronto Outdoor Adventure Show
  • March 3 to 5: Quiet Water Symposium in Lansing, Michigan
  • March 10 to 12: Canoecopia in Madison, Wisconsin
  • March 24 to 26: Calgary Outdoor Adventure Show
  • March 28: Durham Outdoor Club in Oshawa, Ontario
  • March 31 to April 2: Ottawa Outdoor Adventure Show
  • April 6: North York Outdoor Club in North York, Ontario
  • April 6: Adventure Guide in Kitchener, Ontario
  • April 11: Nova Craft in London, Ontario
  • April 28 to 30: Mid-West Spring Expo in Minneapolis, Minnesota

