The Happy Camper: Passion for Paddling Mini-Doc

Someone made a documentary about Kevin Callan! (And it's pretty darn good, too!)

Credit: Kevin Callan

Having a film crew camped on my front lawn for a couple of days sure got the neighbours talking. Hailey Sonntag (from Wild Canoes) and Michael Oliphant—both second-year students from Mohawk College’s Broadcasting Television and Communications—asked me if they could bring a gang of post-secondary sophomores to my place to create their end of term assignment, a mini-documentary on me.

I was honoured, to say the least.

They pitched their tents on my septic bed and spread their cameras, tripods and boom mics all across the small hamlet I live in (Bridgenorth, Ontario). Townspeople grabbed a Tim Horton’s and did countless drive-bys to check things out, and the students only took a break once to come in for beers and burgers (and to watch the hockey game).

Here’s the result—they received a mark of 96 per cent!

Watch the Documentary Here:

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