The Happy Camper: Review of Juan Pablo’s Book ‘Thrive’

Juan Pablo Quiñonez—a participant in History Channel’s Alone show (Season 9)—has just released a new book, Thrive: Long-Term Wilderness Survival Guide; Skills, Tips, and Gear for Living on the Land. This is definitely not another “survival” manual for weekend warriors. This is a refreshing approach at showing how to thrive in extreme wilderness elements, for extensive periods of time. Juan Pablo’s 489-page book, which includes over 400 illustrations, is more of a psychological preparation than just a how-to guide on lighting a one-match fire.

Thrive does cover the basics: food, water, shelter…but also delves deeply into the survivor’s mindset. Juan Pablo firmly states in his introduction that his book is “not for beginners.” It was written for outdoor enthusiasts that are wanting to learn how to survive—comfortably—for over a year in the wild.

ThriveThrive: Long-Term Wilderness Survival Guide; Skills, Tips, and Gear for Living on the Land

The book provides strategies, tips and techniques that could be used in all four seasons and emphasizes survival in a boreal forest habitat.

Juan Pablo gained his outdoor skills well before his time on Alone. He’s a survival specialist and wilderness first responder with 10 years of outdoor recreational experience. He holds a B.A. in Applied Ecotourism and Outdoor Leadership and has clocked a lot of bush time. Juan Pablo has backpacked the entire Pacific Crest Trail (2,650 miles) in 99 days; paddled over 1,500 miles during numerous whitewater and flatwater trips (including the Hayes River to Hudson Bay); lived for six months in the wild with his partner, Jennifer, foraging to complement their semi-starvation rations; and spent 100 days foraging in solitude during the boreal winter, supported only by small rations.

back coverThrive: Long-Term Wilderness Survival Guide; Skills, Tips, and Gear for Living on the Land

Thrive goes beyond any other survival book I have on my bookshelf. It’s definitely a solid read. It’s now available on Amazon.

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