The Happy Camper: Trangia’s New 100th Anniversary Colour Collection

Wow! You know a camp stove is good when it celebrates their 100-year anniversary in 2025. And to help Trangia celebrate, the Swedish company has introduced a new colour collection of stoves. How cool is that? You’ve got three colours to choose from.
The first is Cloudberry. The golden-orange colour is based off the northern berry found in Trangsviken, where Trangia is based, in Sweden. It represents how one delicious berry can motivate so many people to get out into nature.

This is my favourite colour of the collection, and it’s the one my buddies and I packed along on our latest winter hot tent trip. Check out the new video:
The second is Northern Pine, the biggest seller so far. The company chose this dark green colour to represent the pine growing in Trangsviken’s cold climate. It parallels Trangia—always adapting but never yielding.

The third colour option is Power Pink and its origin comes from an amazing story. A couple of years ago, an eight-year-old girl named Nike left a note behind after visiting the Trangia Factory Store and Museum, suggesting the company make a stove in glittery pink. Trangia delivered Nike’s wish. Just before Christmas they used social media to locate her, and then they gifted the young girl a glittery pink stove. The story went viral on social media, reaching half a million people. To them, this colour represents Trangia’s ability to always listen to their customers.

Trangia started the production of their iconic alcohol stove back in 1925. It was started by John E. Johnsson and his father-in-law Fritiof Svensson—both who were household aluminum pot makers at the time. Camping trips dramatically increased in the 1920s, however, so the two entrepreneurs created a lightweight and durable aluminum camping kit. It was a major hit, especially with the Boy Scouts.

At first, sales were mainly in the Scandinavian neighboring countries. But in 1927, Trangia, which was called a “tourists’ box” back then, made its first export. It reached a Canadian, a Mr. Lindgren in Riverton, Manitoba. The rest is history.

The 100th anniversary 25-1 UL coloured camp cooking sets include 2 nested pots (1.75 litres and 1.5 litres), a 22-centimetre frypan, windscreens (upper and lower), an anniversary strap, Trangia’s alcohol burner and anniversary stickers.