The Happy Camper: Hands Across the Water Pledge-a-Thon

Kevin Callan is looking for help with raising money for the Hands Across the Water Pledge-a-Thon.

Credit: Abilities in Motion

We all need those feel-good moments in life.

The times when we give back to others and help great causes. These moments rejuvenate us, create stronger communities and, most importantly, can make someone else’s day a little more special.

I spend a lot of my time volunteering and sponsoring outdoor events, clubs and organizations. I enjoy it. An upcoming event I was really looking forward to was the Abilities in Motion paddle day at Earl Rowe Provincial Park on July 25. They have me listed as a paddler to sponsor for the Hands Across the Water Pledge-a-Thon.

The money raised goes to help provide specialized kayaking and canoeing programs for all ages and abilities. That’s a great cause!

The problem is, due to a nasty family crisis, I’ve had to contact them and cancel. Bailing out of this event was eating away at me. I’ve done 26 events since March and have never had to cancel on any of them—and I certainly didn’t want to miss this one. However, to use Elbert Hubbard’s statement of making lemonade when life gives you lemons, I’ve decided to use the magic of social media to help me out of a pickle—and help a lot of great people at the same time.

The idea of the event was simple enough. You go to the Abilities in Motion site, find my bio, click on the pledge and donate money (

It’s a lot easier than the days of watching a Jerry Lewis Telethon. By making the pledge, you’ll meet at Earl Rowe and paddle with me (and others). The same goes, except I’ll only be there in spirit. Of course, that might be a good thing. My 10-year-old daughter says that my jokes are getting old and I’m starting to repeat the same stories over and over again.

In all seriousness, if you, as part of the outdoor community, could help disabled paddlers for the Hands Across the Water Pledge-a-Thon—that would be amazing. Please, visit the site, donate, and if you have time, go for a paddle with a bunch of awesome people. You won’t regret it.

