The Happy Camper: Paddle in the Park Time (again!)
Just one more outdoorsy contest to announce—it’s going to be another fun summer in 2016!
The contest? Paddle in the Park, something I’ve been helping out with since it started four years ago.
The concept is simple. A bunch of canoe celebs hide paddles along portages in Ontario Parks and wait for a bunch of enthusiastic paddlers to find them. When they do, they get to keep the paddle, win a bunch of prizes and go off and brag to all their friends and family. It’s a fun way to get more people out wandering the wilderness. You also submit photos for a chance to win prizes and gear (canoe paddles, stove, water filter, camp mattress and more!)—including a Prospector 16 from Nova Craft Canoe! You can check it out at:
Last year, the PITPC (Paddle in the Park Contest) group started something new, where they asked people to share their memories for a chance to earn “Paddle Points,” based on the photos’ challenges. (For example, “A selfie on a portage,” “dealing with bugs,” “getting dirty, on purpose or by accident,” etc.)
The more photos submitted, the more points collected, earning badges, bragging rights, more chances to win cool outdoor prizes—and of course collect all those rewards for being in nature.
The gang at PITPC are still being a bit secretive about how this year’s contest is going to work, but all will be revealed soon. If you would like to participate or follow along, connect with the PITPC on Facebook and/or Twitter, visit their website, use the hashtag #RewardsAreOutThere and watch for clues and updates through-out the summer.
Contest starts July 1, 2016. Keep posted!