WCA fall event at Madawaska

Thought you’d all want to know about this Wilderness Canoe Association event:

Hello friends,

Fall is in full swing here in the Madawska valley – colours are unbelievable and so is the water level!

Why not join 70+ WCA friends for a great weekend of paddling, storytelling, white-water instruction, awesome food and much more!

Indulge in the hot sauna after ripping your way down the Chalet Rapids. Or is Lower Mad your thing? Perhaps a quiet paddle on Bark Lake?

Hey, don’t forget to bring your gear for sale! Check here for MKC gear specials.  Be the first to learn who will be our guest speakers at the Wine & Cheese in November…only 100 people that register first may attend. You will not want to miss this!

It’s NOT too late – email Aleks at [email protected] and bring the registration/payment with you! Hope to see you there!

