Where to surf in Canada

By Amy Kenny
1) Long Beach, Tofino
Long Beach and its Vancouver Island neighbours—Chesterman Beach and Cox Bay—are the epicentre of the Canadian surf scene, home to the country’s best (read biggest) waves and Canada’s top surfers. Plenty of surf shops in both Tofino and nearby Ucluelet offer rentals and lessons. FOR MORE INFO: pacificsurfschool.com
2) Station Beach, Lake Huron
Wind-generated lake waves roll non-stop, which means you have to battle the surf to get out there. At this Kincardine beach, you can save some energy by walking along the pier and jumping off the end where the deep water meets a sandbar, creating perfect waves. The surf is best during spring and fall when west and northwest winds are high. FOR MORE INFO: endlesssurf.ca
3) Bluffers Park, Lake Ontario
Just east of the Scarborough Bluffs, about 15 kilometres from downtown Toronto, Bluffers Park has fairly consistent swells when east and southeast winds are blowing. Because the water is deeper here, surfing is best in winter when cold air and water mix. FOR MORE INFO: silentsports.com
4) Martinique Beach, Nova Scotia
An hour east of Halifax, Martinique is so popular for surfing that it can be tough to find parking at the beach’s small lot. If you’re a beginner, the large waves might be intimidating, but you can find more sheltered breaks along the highway during the drive from Halifax. FOR MORE INFO: happydudes.ca
5) Lawrencetown Beach, Nova Scotia
A provincial park just 40 minutes outside Halifax, Lawrencetown Beach has consistent swells for surfers and plenty of nearby trails for hikers. Water temperatures range from 22°C in August to –4°C mid-winter. Rough conditions here can cause rips and strong currents, so always bring a surf buddy. FOR MORE INFO: onelifesurf.com