16 Bungee Jumps in the United States

While bungee jumping may have been invented in New Zealand, the United States is home to more than a few prime bungee jumping spots where adrenaline junkies can really get their heart pumping. Whether it is jumping off buildings or bridge, there are plenty of places where extreme sports enthusiast or scared, yet curious beginners can harness themselves in safely and take the dive.
If you decide to attempt bungee jumping, follow the bungee jumping safety measures. Make sure you are strapped in properly and stay safe when you jump!
Track Family Recreation Center in Destin, Florida
The Track Family Recreation Center has all the fun that any person could want with mini golf, batting cages, go karts and, for the more daring, a bungee jumping tower. They have had everything that locals and visitors to the area could possibly want to do and now there is the more exciting attraction of bungee jumping. The tower at the Track Family Recreation Center is specifically designed for bungee jumping and allows visitors to drop an exciting 23 metres (75 feet) down. This is a great way to experience the sport for those that are just beginning their bungee jumping adventures.
Bungee Tower by Mount Hood Adventure Park in Government Camp, Oregon
Jim Hoffman, Flickr, CC BY-2.0
Mount Hood Adventure Park offers a slew of adventurous entertainment to Oregon locals and visitors alike; however the highlight of their park is their bungee tower. The bungee tower allows visitors to jump and drop 30.5 metres (100 feet). While some towers merely drop visitors from a trap door, this bungee jump tower involves a bit more effort. Visitors can full on jump, lean, dive or fall off the edge as they see fit. This method requires a bit more bravery but only enhances the rush.
Highway 21 Bridge by Bungee Expeditions in Boise, Idaho
For those who are ready to graduate from tower jumping to scenic bridge jumping, but don’t want to jump from anything too high, Bungee Expeditions has a good place to start in Idaho. The bridge that connects Highway 21 is located just 10 minutes from Downtown Boise. Hardcore jumpers may be put off by the small height of this bridge, but it is still crazy fun. Bungee jumpers here fall 30.5 metres (100 feet) down to the Boise River below. Visitors will dangle just a few feet above the river below and bounce just a few feet below the under structure of the bridge.
Sierra Nevada Mountains Bridge by Bungee Adventures in Sacramento, California
Sheila Sund, Flickr, CC BY-2.0
Bungee Adventures leads jump groups to a variety of bridges in Northern California. From trees and cliffs to bridges, they will take groups to jump off of anything. The Sierra Nevada Mountains Bridge is among one of the favourites and is considered Bungee Adventures’ primary location. The Sierra Nevada Mountains Bridge is a railway bridge that runs between the mountains in the Sierra Nevada Mountain Range next to Lake Tahoe. Though Bungee Adventures is located in Sacramento, this jump is, of course, located closer to the Nevada border. Jumpers at this bridge enjoy a brilliant 30.5-metre (100-foot) jump while taking in the beautiful mountain landscape.
Bridge to Nowhere by Bungee America in El Segundo, California
Jason Hickey, Flickr, CC BY-2.0
The Bridge to Nowhere is the absolute favourite of residents in Southern California. Not only is the jump thrilling, but the bridge itself is an odd mystery. The Bridge to Nowhere is a lonely bridge surrounded on all sides by the Sheep Mountain Wilderness. The bridge runs over the San Gabriel River, but doesn’t connect two roads; instead, due to the scrapping of the road project in the 1930s, it dead ends into a mountain. Those who jump off the Bridge to Nowhere with Bungee America will jump from the bridge in a 30.5-metre (100-foot) fall over the raging, fast-moving water of the San Gabriel River and surrounded on all sides by a high-walled gorge.
Royal Gorge Bridge by GoFast! Games in Canyon City, Colorado
DiAnn L’Roy, Flickr, CC BY ND-2.0
The Royal Gorge Bridge is a 395-metre (1,260-foot) long suspension bridge that runs over the Arkansas River. This bridge towers around 46 metres (150 feet) above the Arkansas River and up until 2003, was considered the tallest bridge in the world. However, bungee jumpers can’t just take their plunge any time of the year. Bungee jumping and BASE jumping off this bridge are only legal during the 3 day event of the GoFast! Games, which are by invitation only. During those three days, extreme sports enthusiasts jump off the bridge for a massive rush and, at times, to attempt world records.
Redwood Forest Trees by Bungee Adventures in Humboldt, California
When a bungee jumper visits a redwood forest and stares up at those tall old trees, there is only one thought they have—“I bet it would be fun to jump off that.” However, they can’t just bungee jump off of those historic trees spontaneously. Bungee Adventures is the only company that has legal permission to lead bungee jump trips off of a redwood. This trip is really three adventures in one. First, jumpers must climb the tree, then tightrope walk between two trees. Finally, jumpers do a huge 46-metre (150-foot) bungee jump off of the tree. Brave first-timers are welcome to do this, but the more seasoned bungee jumper may be more comfortable on this adventure.
Parrotts Ferry Bridge by Bungee Experience in Pioneer, California
Dave Parker, Flickr, CC BY-2.0
The Parrotts Ferry Bridge is a reservoir bridge over the New Melones Lake reservoir in Central California’s Calaveras County. From the clean blue waters of New Melones Lake to the green rolling hills of Central California, jumpers will fall hard for the scenery. The bridge itself is also beautiful, if only for its simplicity. This jump, lead by the tour operator, Bungee Experience, takes visitors to the bridge and offers them both a safe and beautiful 55-metre (180-foot) jump over the waters below. While this is higher than what most beginner bridge jumpers are used to, the simplicity of the bridge is rather soothing seeing as there are no extras on it that they have to worry about hitting their head on. It is encouraging for newcomers, but still a bit daunting.
Pacific Northwest Bridge by Bungee Masters in Amboy, Washington
Located just 34 kilometres (25 miles) from Seattle, the Pacific Northwest Bridge is a favourite bungee jumping location for those seeking a thrill in the Emerald City. Those who want to bungee jump on their own are unlikely to find this bridge easily; however, the Bungee Masters company knows just where to go. The Pacific Northwest Bridge is a private bridge that offers an exciting 61-metre (200-foot) fall surrounded by the beautiful green forests that the state of Washington is famous for. This jump has visitors hopping over the edge and over a small river located in a deep forested gorge, resulting in a thrill for advanced jumpers.
Crooked River Gorge Bridge by Central Oregon Bungee Adventures in Bend, Oregon
David Berry, Flickr, CC BY-2.0
Central Oregon Bungee Adventures in Bend, Oregon takes to the extreme jump from Crooked River Bridge. This 140-metre (464-foot) steel arch bridge spans over the Crooked River gorge and dangles 92 metres (300 feet) over the canyon below. An adventure to Crooked River Bridge can easily be split into two adventures as it is located near the famous Smith Rock climbing area. Bungee jumpers get to take a 92-metre leap off this sturdy bridge where they can enjoy the stony canyon walls and the green river bed below.
High Steel Bridge by Bungee Expeditions in Shelton, Washington
US Forest Service Pacific Northwest Region
Once again, Bungee Expeditions leaves their home base in Boise, Idaho to experience some epic jumps in another state. This time, this tour operator takes groups to Shelton, Washington for one of the top bungee jumping locations in the United States—the High Steel Bridge. The bridge dangles between two sides of a canyon over a small river. The canyon itself has a maximum depth of 122 metres (400 feet); however, because of some particularly sharp rocks below, bungee jumpers only get a 110-metre (365-foot) drop. This jump is not only adrenaline-inducing for the more advanced jumper, but showcases the beautiful wilderness of the Pacific Northwest.
Hansen Bridge by Bungee Expeditions in Eden, Idaho
Amy Meredith, Flickr, CC BY ND-2.0
Hansen Bridge is an Idaho favourite for the advanced bungee jumper because of the extreme height. This narrow bridge is located over Snake River just a little bit away from the more famous Perrine Bridge. The Hansen Bridge, however, is much narrower and has a higher feel to it. Jumpers here are treated to an exhilarating 122-metre (400-foot) fall over the beautiful river below. Individual jumpers that want to jump Hansen Bridge should be careful, as the area is notorious for strong winds.
Navajo Bridge by Bungee Expeditions in Marble Canyon, Arizona
Sean Hobson, Flickr, CC BY-2.0
It’s no jump off the Grand Canyon, but it’s as close as bungee jumpers in Arizona are going to get. The Navajo Bridge spans over a beautiful red rock desert gorge located just north of the rim of the Grand Canyon. Bungee jumpers can expect a thrilling jump of 142 metres (467 feet) with excellent views of the surrounding area.
Perrine Bridge by Bungee Expeditions in Twin Falls, Idaho
Matthew Dillon, Flickr, CC BY-2.0
For those who enjoyed jumping from the Hansen Bridge in Idaho, why not try the nearby Perrine Bridge? This bridge is wider, has a longer drop than Hansen Bridge and dangles over a larger portion of the Snake River. The massive bridge features a stunning 152-metre (500-foot) drop—the only problem is that it is highly restricted. There have been a few bungee jumping accidents here because of the notorious winds, so this bridge is only open to bungee jumpers one day a year.
Rio Grande Bridge by Bungee Expeditions in Taos, New Mexico
Marissa Bracke, Flickr, CC BY-2.0
Had your fill of the smaller bridges and find yourself ready to move onto the highest jump? The highest jump in the United States is from the Rio Grande Bridge and measures among one of the highest bungee jumping spots in the world. Visitors who aim to conquer this New Mexican beauty will find themselves falling for a stunning 207 metres (680 feet) off the bridge over the Rio Grande river below. It is truly a thrill like no other.
Stratosphere SkyJump in Las Vegas, Nevada
Daniel Ramirez, Flickr, CC BY-2.0
Face it, you knew this one was going to be on here. The Stratosphere SkyJump in Las Vegas allows you to jump from a staggering 253 metres (829 feet) above the ever-famous Vegas Strip. Take in the brilliance of the Vegas lights as you take a dive from the highest Guinness World Record ranked commercial decelerator descent facility.
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