Ontario Parks’ Fall Colour Report is LIVE

The 2017 Ontario Parks Fall Colour Report is LIVE.

Credit: Ontario Parks

The 2017 Ontario Parks Fall Colour Report is LIVE.

Check for the latest colour changes in up to 60 provincial parks across Ontario by using the report’s map and peak-viewing chart. Staff will be updating their park reports every week so check back often for the latest conditions.

Climatologists predict brilliant reds and golds thanks to an abundance of rain. Mid-September to late-October is prime-time viewing when campsites are plentiful and camp cabins and yurts are easier to book

Algonquin Provincial Park is extremely popular on peak fall colour weekends. Before you visit Algonquin, this is what you need to know.

The Parks Blog suggests other fall colour parks worth visiting. In Northern Ontario, try these parks: http://www.ontarioparks.com/parksblog/fall-rving-in-northwestern-ontario/.

More park choices are found in this fall colour post.

Special events are also planned. Visit the Ontario Parks Calendar of Events for details.

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