The Happy Camper: Algonquin Video Series and Outdoor Research Contest

Watch Kevin Callan's Algonquin Park video series—featuring Speedo Man—and enter to win an OR jacket!


Group dynamics make up a large portion of a trip’s success.

I’ve always been careful of with whom I spend time in the woods. I don’t judge anyone by skill. It’s more about having good communication, not being selfish, knowing one’s limits, good judgment, not being arrogant and dependability.

Even more important is that they have a sense of humour and, especially, have a unique character. Being with someone “different” definitely spices up a trip. Take my buddy Ashley (a.k.a. Speedo Man). This guy is unique—and a blast to trip with.

Check out the latest video series of our trip in Algonquin Park this past May. The weather was bad, bugs were horrible—but we had an incredible time.

You’re guaranteed to have a laugh while watching the second video—the one where Ashley tries to keep his new Outdoor Research jacket clean. The gang at OR saw it and offered the same style of jacket to the first person who guesses (in the comments below this blog) what OR style/design/name of jacket Ashley doesn’t want to get dirty.

Good luck. And yes, this will definitely piss Speedo Man off. That’s what’s funny about doing it.

Watch the Videos Here:

(OR Contest Video)

