Tips to Stay Fit & Active in the Shoulder Season

Three tips to keep you moving in shoulder season

The weather isn’t ideal for anything in shoulder season. It isn’t cold enough for snow sports or warm enough for water sports. Hiking trails are coated in mud and, in places, closed altogether. So how can you stay fit and active in shoulder season?

Here are three ways:


1. Complete Outdoor Chores

Raking leaves and shoveling snow are great ways to burn calories! It’s not exactly fun, but it gets you outside and accomplishing necessary tasks. When you’re done, keep moving indoors with home workouts, “spring” cleaning and classes at your local community centre.


2. Dress in Layers

There’s no such thing as bad weather, only inappropriate clothingInvest in some quality base layers, waterproof winter hiking boots, hand warmers and a cozy toque. Layer up and get out there!


3. Join the Club

Having a friend or plan to keep you accountable is one of the best ways to make sure you’ll actually stick to your goals. Find a workout buddy or join our Adventure Challenge Club for year-round adventure inspiration.


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